Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Strings Attached To TARP Funds Are Tightening

In the last 30 days here's what has happened to various recipients of TARP funds.

  1. GM: CEO Rick Wagoner asked to "step down" by the White House
  2. B of A: CEO Ken Lewis relieved of his responsibilities as Chairman
  3. Chrysler: Forced into bankruptcy
  4. Chrysler: CEO Robert Nardelli asked to step down
JMO: When each of these institutions requested, and received TARP funds there were responsibilities attached. It appear that the White House is sticking to its guns that things are going to "change". As you can see, the changes are being made at the top and that type of pressure can only be applied by a major shareholder, which is exactly what the U.S. Govt became when they loaned the TARP funds to these companies. The White House is sending a very clear message that no company is too big to fail.

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